Goten and Trunks are the sons of one of the most powerful characters and saiyans Goku and Vegeta. But sometimes the question arises between Goten and Trunks about who is more stronger between them. So, let’s find out the answer in today’s article.
Hey all, this is Sagnik Jana from AnimeQuack and in today’s article, I’m gonna compare the most recent controversy among dragonball fans about who is more stronger between Goten and Trunks in their adult form. So, let’s decode it.

Who is Goten & Trunks?
So, who don’t know about Goten and Trunks, just for them here is a brief introduction of Goten and Trunks. So, firstly talking about Goten he is the youngest son of Goku & Chichi and Trunks is the eldest son of Prince Vegeta and Bulma.
Talking about their relationship, throughout the whole series we have seen Goten and Trunks staying together all the time as two are the best friends. Beside that, they two can form a fusion character named Gotenks who has a unique playful personality with powerfull attacks. They are one of the key characters of the series Dragon Ball.

Power Difference Between Goten and Trunks?
Now, let’s come to the main point, for which you have most probably come here. Here I will be comparing these two base of various significant qualities that has been discussed below.
Age Difference:
Trunks is 1 year more older than Goten and believe me that create a significant power difference between them. Trunks always has an upper hand towards Goten due to his age.

Training :
Trunks got more hard training from Vegeta compared to Goten who mainly got training from his mother Chichi who is not that good in martial art like Vegeta. Even in the series, we have seen Chichi always rejected to send Goten with Goku for training. That clearly shows that she had not wanted his son to get rigorous training from his father and involved in any difficulties.
Potential :
Goten has an unexplored potential because of his family history as Goten’s mother, Chichi is way better than Bulma in martial art and Goku too has always surpassed Vegeta in every expect of power and strength.

Who is More Stronger Between Adult Goten and Trunks :
Trunks seems to be more stronger than Goten in their childhood but is the same implies in their adult form? Throughout the series, we have seen the enormous growth of Trunks, even in the series, we have seen the future Trunks, how the situation made him to push beyond his limits.
But we haven’t seen the future appearance of Goten and it leaves a question among fans about the power strength of future goten. If Goku trains him in future, then it would be hard to qualify Trunks as strongest. But if we talk about their childhood then Trunks definitely has an advantage.
What you think? Who is strongest between adult Goten and Trunks. Give your opinion in the comment section.