Goku is one of the most powerful characters in Dragonball. He is often known for breaking his own limits during fights. But there are some characters who is much more powerful than Goku and can easily beat him. The top 3 characters who can beat Goku are given below –

Whis :
Whis is an angel and the attendant of Beerus, the God of Destruction of 7th Universe. He possesses incredible power and effortlessly trains both Goku and Vegeta. His strength and speed far exceed those of Goku.

Beerus :
As the God of Destruction for Universe 7, Beerus is extremely powerful. While Goku, in his Super Saiyan God and Ultra Instinct forms, can challenge Beerus but he has yet to surpass him completely.

Zeno :
Zeno, the Omni-King, is the ruler of all universes in the ‘Dragon Ball‘ multiverse. His power is absolute, and he can erase entire universes with ease. Goku’s power is nowhere near Zeno’s.